
If your after year round colour consider bromeliads. They come in quite a range of colours, patterns and sizes. Some flower for months at a time and produce ‘pups’ that can be planted somewhere else. Try and keep water in their central cups. And if they get clogged up with leaves or mosquitos flush them out with water.

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Linda Etwell
Winter Pruning

Make Hay when the Sun shines.  Another useful saying could be Prune Deciduous Trees in Winter in the dry.  With dry weather forecast from Monday this is an ideal time for pruning.  Look for branches that have crossed over and rubbing against each other.  If left unattended they may end up like this one pictured, creating an entry point for pests, diseases and rot.  Consider keeping trees near buildings below the roofline to avoid leaf buildup in your gutters.  Looking ahead for the next year of growth, try to avoid trees getting too close to buildings.  Try and make your cuts sloping to let the rain drain off them easily.   For large heavy branches, to achieve a nice, neat cut prune back the weight of the branch first before making the final cut.  Under cut, then top cut on the other side just like felling a large tree.  Some trees such as fruit trees have very specific pruning requirements.  I would be happy to give advice or get the job done for you if you like. 

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Linda Etwell
Why get rid of Woolly nightshade

If your friend suffered from Athsma (disease which affects a persons breathing) would you help to make it better? This plant woolly nightshade has be known to make people suffer from Athsma. Another reason to get rid of it, is that it grows so fast it will choke out the plants you want and send it’s seeds around the place to annoy the neighbourhood. If you spot it when it’s young its really easy to dig it out. For more info

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Autumn Pruning

Now is a good time to prune back many shrubs and plants that have finished flowering. But how to prune and when is often a mystery to many people.

Here is some general advice that applies to most plants, when in doubt look it up or contact me. I often refer to a book that details by plant how and when to prune.

When cutting using sharp secateurs/loppers slant the cut so the water runs off the cut surface, make the cut above a branch or growing tip. Sloping the cut away from the growing tip. Keep in mind that most plants are stimulated to branch after pruning. See the picture for a plant recently pruned. If you understand that pruning often stimulates growth it can motivate you to do this mindful task that happens to be good for your mental health.

If your cuts are large like on the branch of a tree, to lessen the risk of infection do this on a day of no rain when rain is not forecast over the next three days. This allows the cut to heal.

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Linda Etwell
Outdoor Games

I was recently asked by a reporter about trends I saw in Gardens in 2021. Something she picked up on was the desire that people had to use their outdoor spaces to play games.

Here is what she wrote in her article

Outside games included in the landscape

A final trend to think about, more people are investing in outdoor games they can play in the garden, says Change Up landscaper, Linda Etwell.

People are buying big Jenga sets, big golf sets, and croquet equipment. Linda’s family is currently enjoying Kubb, a wooden blocks game. You can play with up to six people and you can pick them up and take them to the park if you want to, says Linda.

“People want spaces to be enticed into, she says. “Places where you can say, ”Let’s go and do this.”

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Linda Etwell
When to Plant

The short answer to when to plant is anytime. However some plants are only available in certain seasons. It is best to plant fruit trees now in the winter. If you want to reduce watering Autumn is an excellent time to plant. I’m involved in a revegetation project at my local park and we always plant in the winter time.

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Linda Etwell
Moving House Plants Outside

This Philodendron sits happily beneath palms. While the palms were growing creating a shady microclimate it spent the first part of its life as a pot plant inside. Successful transitions from pot plants to outdoor gardens can be tricky. Take advantage of my expertise in both indoor planting and outdoor plants to enjoy plants at different phases of their life. Time for a fresh look? Let me revamp your indoor planting and give the old plants a new lease of life outside.

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Linda Etwell
Hamilton Gardens

Themed Gardens

The Hamilton Gardens are a great example of Themed Gardens. Grouping plants and built structures around a cohesive theme. Themes gardens can transport you to a different place. Maybe Italy appeals to you. Your own garden could be based around this theme. Hamilton Gardens boast a number of different themed gardens for you to experience. To name a few- Modernist, English Flower Garden, Japanese Garden of Contemplation. For more info

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Linda Etwell

As a Landscape Designer I am sometimes asked how do I deal with weeds growing through the cracks. While it is most effective to use a weed killer with a long term function that is specifically formulated for this another method is to use Boiling water. This has the advantage of being easy on other animals around like bees and cats. It won’t last as long as a special weed killer but it definitely works even for hard to get rid of weeds like kikuyu.

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Linda Etwell

As well as mulching, a way of getting around the Auckland water restrictions is to save water from you kitchen tap. When you go to wash your dishes instead of letting the cold water run down the sink before it heats up collect it and pour it into a watering can for later use on your garden. I’ve been able to water my new lettuce seedling that way.

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Linda Etwell